Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tale of the PDA and how I almost saved money.

I have been itching to buy a PDA with gps for the last couple of days but I haven't had a chance to ask the wife. Until today. The wifey called from Japan today for some unrelated stuff and I asked her if I can buy this thingamajig. She said yes with one condition. In her sweetest voice, she asked me if she can also buy this $200- electronic Japanese/English dictionary. %$*#! @


I said ok. 30% off on my purchase plus a $20-off coupon and it still felt like I spent too much today. Two hundred bucks for a dictionary!?

Advice to single men: buy the newest/latest/greatest gadget you can think of now. It will cost you more after you got hitched.

Note to self: stop itching.

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